Questo video propone l’intervento di Eric Schmidt, executive chairman di Google, ospite durante un convegno dell’Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori.

Così esordisce il Presidente dell’Osservatorio Andrea Ceccherini al convegno: “Abbiamo scelto di avviare questo ciclo di appuntamenti che vede Erich Schmidt come primo grande protagonista per raccogliere idee, spunti, proposte, suggerimenti, riflessioni che ci aiutino a mettere a punto un nuovo progetto da affiancare al “Quotidiano in Classe” per aiutare questi ragazzi a distinguere l’informazione di qualità della comunicazione dal resto della comunicazione”.

E così avvia il suo discorso Schmidt: “You’re on every form of media and you’re always checking, you’re always crosschecking. You don’t have a single source, and you also don’t believe everything that you’re told. In my generation we had one source, or two sources, and we just believed. But now you have to crosscheck. Don’t believe everything on the web is true, even if it’s really exciting. Sometimes it’s just not true, sometimes it is. At the minimum you should know something about programming, something about logic, and something about business. And if you have energy, which everyone here in the room does, because you’re here, you have a good chance of getting started or with your friends founding companies that will ultimately be as big as the established companies here in Italy. I believe it. So all I wanted to say was that if these are the future leaders of Italy I’d like them to get in charge sooner rather than later”.


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